Patty Hardin, Mayor (563-357-1829)
Dave Frett, Council
Mark Gerlach, Council
Bryce Eberhart, Council
Curtis Mangler, Council
Dawn McDermott, Council
Chris Budde, City Clerk/Treasurer
City Council meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at the Delmar Fire Station in the Council Chambers.
Meetings begin at 6pm.
To have an item placed on the agenda, please contact the City Clerk at (563) 574-4256.
Delmar Development - Hometown Pride
Meetings: Contact Steve Jebsen or Loras Frost for meeting information.
Steve Jebsen: (563)574-4119
Loras Frost: (563)221-2010
All meetings are open to the public. The public is encouraged to attend. Please bring any ideas you have for the betterment of the city.
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